Student photo
Mark McCullough

Mark McCullough is a senior history and communication major at Trinity University and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Veterans Heritage Project 501(c)(3). He is a native of Arizona and has many interests and passions including recording veterans’ oral history, flying, and playing golf. 

Having played all sorts of game genres, including Flight SimulatorDDOCall of DutyDAOC, and Final Fantasy, Mark can utilize his knowledge of history and passion for teaching to help advance transnational interactions within and from gameplay; these interactions are paramount to future technological advances, societal norms, and globalization. The status quo is in jeopardy and it should be interesting to witness first-hand the coming future. 

Mark has pursued interests in history, communication, and education with plans in the future to synthesize these disciplines and perhaps apply these knowledge bases to a career in teaching, research, or even law. 

Revised: 10/20/10