Acknowledgments | agradecimientos
In addition to our partners at the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center, we would like to thank the following individuals and institutions for their contributions to making the Chile Canta al Mundo series a success. / Además de nuestros colaboradores en el Centro Esperanza de Paz y Justicia, quisiéramos agradecer a las siguientes personas e instituciones por sus contribuciones al éxito de nuestra serie Chile Canta al Mundo.
Audiovisual set-up/Logística audiovisual
Paul Feuerbacher and Hector Gomez, Center for Learning and Technology, Trinity University
Concert sound/Sonido para conciertos
Kelly Abernathy and the staff of Century Music
Ali Friedrich, independent sound technician
Contracts and honoraria/Contratación y honorarios
Jennifer Gilmore Adamo, Director for Risk Management and Insurance, Trinity University
General support/Apoyo en general
Irma De León, Office Manager, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Trinity University
Vanessa Ortiz, MAS intern, Trinity University
Daniela Paz, MAS intern, Trinity University
Lodging for our guests/Hospedaje para nuestros invitados
Marriott Courtyard Hotel Downtown San Antonio/Market Square
Musical instruments/Instrumentos musicales
Maya Guirao
Guitar Tex San Antonio Guitar Store
Michael Leach
Ethan Valdez
Neruda-Siqueiros exhibition/Exhibición Neruda-Siqueiros
Bill Fisher, Matthews Cox Smith
Gambrinus Company (beverages for reception)
Marion Oettinger, Latin America Curator, San Antonio Museum of Art
Randy Wallace, Manager, Michael and Noemi Neidorff Art Gallery, Trinity University
Clay Reuter, Intern, Michael and Noemi Neidorff Art Gallery, Trinity University
Performer visas/Visas para intérpretes
Kristin Aquino-Pham, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Sharon Schweitzer and the staff of the Trinity University Communications Office
Mario Guerrero, Darlene Rodríguez, and the Trinity University dining services and catering staff
Web design/Diseño de página web
Leah McCurdy and Misty Valadez