Scene Painting                                     Drama 3315                            Gilliam           




            For the stone project, we will select a painter elevation from your collection of examples.  Use the textbook pp. 135-151 for suggested techniques.  Reference former scene painting classes for examples.  This project should use what you explored through the technique of wet blends and scrubbling.  Consider the following:


1.     Once we have chosen an appropriate elevation, study it in terms of color and layers.  Make certain the elevation is large enough to reveal detail and a scale that will make sense in the theatre.

2.     Grid your elevation.  The more complex the elevation, the smaller the grid.

3.     Mix your paints.  Test them and wait until they are dry to ascertain the true color.  Remember that wet color will dry flatter and lighter.

4.     Grid your painting surface to correspond with the grid on your elevation.  Keep the grid light, as you will need to erase the lines when you are done.  Use a chalk line or light pencil/charcoal.

5.     Cartoon the shapes of your rocks with charcoal.

6.     After you have verified the drawing for accuracy, ink the charcoal drawing.  (In the old days, scenics would use dyes and paint the outlines.  Today, I use magic markers.  In either case, the inking will ordinarily bleed through or come to the top when over painted.  BE CAREFUL with this as we are using the same door and canvas for all our projects.)

7.     Wet blend or scrubble in your color for the individual rock.  Depending on the size of the rocks, I will base the middle tone and then scrubble the darks and lights.  Observe the direction and details of your rocks.

8.     White Out the entire surface.  This means you should paint the entire surface before coming back to detail individual rocks.

9.     Detail and texture the rocks.  This may include sponging and spattering.  Whatever is necessary.  Pay attention to highlights and shadows.

10.  Add grout or shadows that outline the rocks last, as it will clean up the edges.

11.  Step back 20' and make adjustments.


Your project should fill at least 3' x 5' of your door.  Use the additional 18" as a test palette.