Program BIO

Complete the information requested on this BIO and email it to our designated PR person by the assigned due date. Send a copy to Prof. Gilliam. Label the subject at Program BIO. We will use this information in the creation of our Matchbox Theatre program.

Your name as you care to have it listed in the program:

The name of your character and/or your job title on the production team:


Would you like to buy a T-shirt ($10 per?) YES NO
Would you be willing to facilitate this? YES NO
Would you want to buy a video ($ ???) YES NO

Should we record a cast album? Quit school and go on the road? Join the circus? Go to Clown school?

Write a 30-40 word BIOS. (3rd Person Narratives)


MARVIN WEST (Moose Man) Sophomore. Major: Undecided. Newark, NJ. Marvin has limited experience in the arts but a passion for athletics. He is a member of Trinity’s baseball squad and his linguine won first prize in the Bayonne NJ Cookoff.

JUDY LANE (Harriet) First-Year. Major: Undecided. Newton, IA. Judy played the role of Soap Bubbles in Ms. Jones’ 3rd grade Health Science Class. In high school she played Ma Brown in Grapes of Wrath, Stella in Streetcar & the title role in Electra.

WALLY CENTRAL (Costume Design) Senior. Major: Undecided. Paris,TX. Wally would like to thank his family for their support and tuition money. He designed costumes for the Quarter-Pounder in the Paris Fast Food Festival winning second place to the Dilly Bar Entry from DQ.
