SeaWorld Telephone Wires

Below are elevations to provide guidance with telephone wiring and placement. Ultimately, we will need to string this in place. However, we should plan for junction box connectors on the buildings. They can be eye bolts enclosed by simple dark colored boxes. It would be helpful if Brian Palandres could elevate these in the model, but not necessary. Please note the plan indicates placement and orientation of the telephone poles including the sides of the transformer. The front elevation shows a larger billboard on the warehouse SR than actually exists. I believe the wires should clear this sign. Note the placement of the center stage right pole is downstage more than what I believe is plotted. It has to come this way or the wires will not make the turns.

The print sizes are in 1/4" scale, up to 30" wide. They can be download in Photoshop and printed on multiple 11x17 sheets.