University of Texas - San Antonio
Lyric Theatre's
Book & Lyrics by Marsha Norman
Music by Lucy Simon
Directed by William McCrary
Orchestra Directed by Eugene Dowdy
Choreographed by Michelle Pietri
Scene Design by SLG Design & Creative Talent
Steve & Sam Gilliam
Lighting Design by Robin Crews
Costume Design by Michelle Pietri
Technical Direction by Max Parrilla
Stage Management by
Rose Drop | FLATS 1/23/11 | Stairs 1/23/11 |
Show Portal | Railing Overview | |
Flying Frames |
Show Portal | 1/4" Ground Plan | PROPS |
Flats | Flying Frames | Rose Drop |
Railing Overview | Railing & Stairs |
Scenic Flow and Notes 12/15/10 | UTSA Plans | Ending Ideas 12/19/10 |
Act One Ground Plan RUN 12/21/10 | Section 12/26/10 | Rose Ending |