Set 8 (2014)  Wes Lavin's Foliage Photographs
Bob Jensen at Trinity University 

We have a long row of wild roses all along the east edge of our property
I  can't remember when I took the picture below with the White Mountains in the background


In Summer 2010 while I was working in the yard a man named Wes Lavin approached me and asked if he could
photograph our wild roses. Since that day Wes has sent me some of his excellent photographs. He prides himself
in being an amateur photographer, but he has the equipment of a professional photographer. Whereas I have two
cheap cameras that I point and click, Wes sets up his camera on a tripod and interchanges the lenses for outstanding pictures.

The pictures of a wild rose and a lupine are among the first pictures he ever sent to me.


About a mile down the road there's a farm called the Iris Farm
Years back Wes sent me this picture of the Iris Farm in springtime

For some reason there was a helicopter hovering low over the field on this day


Wes travels in New England in the various seasons just to take photographs.
A few weeks ago he sent me a bunch of his latest 2014 foliage pictures
I will share some of these photographs with you.
They were taken in Vermont and New Hampshire
I reduced the size so you don't have to scroll to see a full picture.

I will begin with his pictures taken not far away around Pittsburg, New Hampshire,_New_Hampshire
Pittsburg is the northernmost village in New Hampshire and is a popular area for viewing moose.

Pittsburg, New Hampshire 01

Pittsburg, New Hampshire 02

Pittsburg, New Hampshire 05

Pittsburg, New Hampshire 03

Pittsburg, New Hampshire 06

Pittsburg, New Hampshire 04
As I mentioned above, Pittsburg near the Canadian border is popular for viewing Moose
Wes took this picture with a telephoto lense
How could anybody shoot such an ugly young animal?
Killing a moose is not sporting, although it's really not smart to get close to one in the wild

Moose ---
In southern Canada and among all the USA states bordering Canada the moose are mysteriously disappearing.
The suspected culprit is tick infestation due to global warming.

Moose Die-Off Alarms Scientists ---

Why are moose dying out in the U.S? Sudden decline baffles scientists ---


Ashland, New Hampshire,_New_Hampshire


Ellsworth, New Hampshire,_New_Hampshire


Peacham, Vermont 01,_Vermont
Vermont is known for its milk, cheese, and beer

Peacham, Vermont 02

Barnet, Vermont 01,_Vermont

Barnet, Vermont 02

Cabot, Vermont 01,_Vermont

Cabot, Vermont 02

Cabot, Vermont 03


Plymouth, New Hampshire,_New_Hampshire

Rumney, New Hampshire,_New_Hampshire

An Old Sugar Shack
Where maple sap is boiled down into sugar in the early springtime


Tunbridge, Vermont 01,_Vermont
An Old School Room

Tunbridge, Vermont 02
Harness Racing at the Autumn Fair in 2014

Tunbridge, Vermont 03

Glen, New Hampshire at the south end of Crawford Notch,_New_Hampshire

Danville, Vermont

I'm not sure where Wes took this foliage picture, possibly in Rumney

Below is a picture taken of our cottage by Wes in the summer when the French lilacs were in bloom

Thank you Wes Lavin for being such an avid amateur photographer who shares
In the future I will share more of my pictures taken by Wes Lavin

Below is a picture taken by my neighbor in 2010 when a moose visited our July 4 yard sale
Moose customers want everything for free
Who am I to refuse them?


You can see more of Wel Lavin's pictures by doing a Search on Google ---
Go to Google Advanced Search and enter two phrases:  "Wes Lavin" and "New Hampshire"

The Best Places To See Fall Foliage In The US ---!1-intro#ixzz3EQRiqEq6

Autumn Foliage Interactive Map for the Entire USA (most of the leaves have now fallen in the north, but there's a bit of color left)---


Foliage in New Hampshire's White Mountains ---
Fall Foliage ---
Foliage Pictures ---


Bob Jensen's Fall Foliage Pictures

Set 7 of My Favorite Foliage Photographs (2014) ---   

Set 6 (2013)  Foliage Photographs Featuring Ben Plummer's Visit
to New Hampshire (2009) and Zimbabwe (2013)  


Set 5 of My Favorite Foliage Photographs (2013) ---  


Set 4 of My Favorite Foliage Photographs (2012) ---


Set 3 ---


Set 2 ---

Set 1 --- 

Autumn ---
Also see
Also see


Foliage Network ---  (dead link)
Foliage in New Hampshire's White Mountains ---
Fall Foliage ---
Foliage Pictures ---

More of Bob Jensen's Pictures and Stories


Blogs of White Mountain Hikers (many great photographs) ---


 White Mountain News ---

On May 14, 2006 I retired from Trinity University after a long and wonderful career as an accounting professor in four universities. I was generously granted "Emeritus" status by the Trustees of Trinity University. My wife and I now live in a cottage in the White Mountains of New Hampshire ---

Bob Jensen's Blogs ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called New Bookmarks ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Tidbits ---
Current and past editions of my newsletter called Fraud Updates ---
Bob Jensen's past presentations and lectures ---   

Our address is 190 Sunset Hill Road, Sugar Hill, New Hampshire
Our cottage was known as the Brayton Cottage in the early 1900s
Sunset Hill is a ridge overlooking with New Hampshire's White Mountains to the East
and Vermont's Green Mountains to the West



Bob Jensen's Threads ---

Bob Jensen's Home Page ---